Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Care In America

The debate on Health Care has been hijacked by the extreme left and right through their media outlets, Talk Radio, MSNBC, FOX, etc.  The circus atmosphere is so pervasive  and the carnival barking so loud and shrill that it's nearly impossible for this issue to be properly debated.  I'm so tired of listening to people talk over each other, screeming at the top of their lungs to drown out the other person.  Where is the civility, the manners, the courtesy that our mothers taught us as youth?  From a "centerist viewpoint" I'm a strong believer that all Americans have a right to some kind of health care that provides access to doctors and hospitals.  I just don't know how to get there from here, especially when our nation is impolding as a result of debt so crushing that we and future generations may never recover from its effects.  If I were president, I would adopt the Teddy Roosevelt approach.  I'd call in representatives from the insurance industry, the hospitals and doctors, and lawyers, put them in a room and tell them not to come out until a compromise has been agreed to.  The carot and stick is simple: if the private sector doesn't create the solution, government will intrude and most likely muck it all up!


  1. I hear what you say about the banter on TV - especially the cable 24-hour news channels. Today I read that Glen Beck on Fox News drew over 3,000,000 viewers - and he's not even in prime time! I think he is a far-right loon who is being paid millions for spreading fear about all of the major issues, especially health care reform. I'm a retired senior citizen and I can see through his (expletive deleted), but many of my peers, I think, do not. I have talked to some men in their 70's just recently and they all watch this guy and they all believe he's right and that our wonderful country is going to ruination. Beck says the bill will cover illegal alliens - I heard from Obama and others in his administration that it does not. Beck says there will be death panels - that's ludicrous. We need reform - we're a rich country and all citizens should be covered by health insurance. Obama says we have to get control of health care costs ... how can anyone disagree with that? Glen Beck blows him off and says there's no way the Federal Government can run anything in a cost effective manner. As voters we must see to it that any health care program is run by people who have the expertise to run it properly.

    Most of the excitement at the town hall meetings that I have seen on CSPAN and elsewhere is coming from seniors who are freightened that their Medicare or Medicaid is going to be changed by any reform. They have been told over and over by our president that this will not happen. Glen Beck is telling them it will. Beck's motives, I think, are to improve his Fox News ratings ... it seems to be working.

  2. Here are some very solid alternative ideas from a guy who puts his money where his mouth is. He is now under attack from the left as a result. In your hypothetical meeting - you would do well to have a few CEO's like this guy in the room.
